Interior for Full Sized Overton Passenger Cars
For The Short Cars ready to use .stl files (Click here)
For 50' cars ready to use .stl files (Click Here)
The .stl 50' Files on these pages are for your use at your local Fab Lab or Maker Space. Feel free to download and print these interiors or frames.
Please try to print your own or Contact Us about printing car interiors for you.
These are custom interiors for a MDC / Roundhouse G&D 50' cars printed 05/05/16 on a MakerBot. These are for the full sized MDC Overton cars and there are more.
New drawing of the "D" version

The new "D" interiors were printed and are fitted to the cars.
Original version drawing
Set of 3 Drawings of interiors for my lengthened Model Die Casting HO Scale Overton Passenger Cars.
Setup on the 3D printer
During the printing process inside the 3D Printer
Newspaper coverage of the Three Lakes Model Railroad Club Laser cutting and 3D printing at the Fab Lab Three Lakes WI
Paul Wussow shows the finished printed interiors in front of the printing system
Close-up of the interiors
The base printed on the interiors were thicker than I planned. I used my milling machine to take .020" off and fit the interior into the combine.

Interior for the Combine
Interior for the Coach

Left and right views of the business car interior.
Steven Yahr teaching Jack Zimmer about the 3D Printer in the Fab Lab
Global connections to the Worlds Fab Labs
Introducing the project to a Fab Lab in Iceland
These interiors include seating, heating, and water closet facilities. The walls and doors are detailed and there are heat shields around and under the stoves. These interiors were designed to fit the 3 Overton cars I built from plans I drew up after reading Al Turner's article in the October 1980 Model Railroader. While the cars appeared in the 50th anniversary contests of MR and also Du Page Division popular vote favorite train contests they have not been evaluated for AP. I am in the process of adding more details to the cars both inside and out.
Honorable Mention at the Model Railroader Magazine 50th Anniversary Projects from MR. Locomotive by Malcolm Furlow from M.R. article and Cars from Al Turner's article.
John Olson "Building an HO Model Railroad with Personality" Old #1 MDC kit lowered and detailed.
Original 05/06/16
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